Had a nice day during mid-January, was invited to a ‘belated’ birders xmas-breakfast at Judith Hoyle’s and Gavin O’Meara’s beautiful residence on Mt Glorious, caught-up with a number of old friends and made a few reasonable clips (unfortunately I’m having issues with the audio on the video-editing suite so there’s a lot of talking on a couple of the clips – will address the issue soon.)
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Mt Glorious – January 2019
White-eared Monarch (Goat Track) White-eared Monarch (Goat Track) New Holland Honeyeater (Mt Glorious) Russet-tailed Thrush (Maiala National Park) -
Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Port of Brisbane December 2018
Over the weekend of 15/16 December there was plenty of ‘rarity’ action around the Brisbane area, possibly due to the very ‘unsettled’ weather. Local birders found several unusual waders, the best being a Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Calidris subruficollis)
at Fisherman’s Island and Long-toed Stint (Calidris subminuta) near Sandy Cape Road Reserve at Lindum. We were fortunate to see the latter on Sunday but failed to find the sandpiper until Wednesday. Unfortunately my photographic efforts were fairly ‘abysmal’ but I did manage a short bit of video on the Sony Handycam which might be slightly more acceptable…Buff-breated Sandpiper (Calidris subruficollis)
at Port of Brisbane 19 December 2018 -
Fresh wildlife video
Since the 1990’s I have attempted to record my wildlife observations on video with varying degrees of success (visit the HBW site). Recently, with the advent of hi-speed broadband, film-clips have become much improved and the quality very reasonable and ‘affordable’. This year (2018) I took possession of a Sony AX53 Handycam and am very impressed with the results. I will post my most successful clips on this site but am still learning about ‘transcoding’ the various formats for web-display, please check them out and let me know which works for you.
Variegated Fairy-wren (Malurus lamberti)