Category: birding

  • Spotted Quail-thrush (Cinclasoma punctatum)

    Spotted Quail-thrush (Cinclasoma punctatum)

    Saw this male Spotted Quail-thrush near Crows Nest, but was surprised after trying to get a decent ‘still’ photo when he flew up onto the branch in front of me. Unfortunately I didn’t have a tripod handy so used the nearby ironbark tree as a support.

    Spotted Quail-thrush
  • Black-eared Cuckoo

    Filmed this Black-eared Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx osculans) at Sundown National Park in Southern Queensland in November 2020.

    Black-eared Cuckoo
    Black-eared Cuckoo

  • Superb Lyrebird…in Queensland!

    Finally managed to see the northern race of Superb Lyrebird in Queensland (ssp edwardi) This male was approaching Bald Rock Creek at Girraween National Park for a drink at dusk when we noticed him fly up to a tree. The footage is short and very poor (taken with a handycam) but shows clearly what a magnificent species this is.

  • Young riflebirds ‘hang-out’

    During mid-November 2020 up to 10 young Paradise Riflebirds (Lophorina paradisea) were observed ‘practising’ their courtship-dance at Mt Glorious in SE Queensland. Unfortunately the day that I filmed this was particularly cloudy and dull. Sadly I didn’t see any adults performing.

    Paradise Riflebirds
    Paradise Riflebirds
  • Green Catbird

    This Green Catbird (Ailuroedus crassirostris) was calling at Mt Glorious in mid-November, in the background you can hear a Satin Bowerbird (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus)

    Green Catbird calling…..
    Green Catbird calling…..
  • Flight-training for Kites

    This young Square-tailed Kite (Lophoictinia isura) was recorded undergoing ‘pre-flight training’ by it’s parents at Samsonvale, SE Qld in November 2020. The footage was captured on a Panasonic HC-VXF1 handycam whilst walking the owners dog first thing in the morning. Note the kites premier nuisance, several Torresian Crows ‘making-mischief’ loudly in the background.

    Square-tailed Kite parents ‘supervising’ young bird

  • Broad-billed Sandpiper

    Broad-billed Sandpiper
    Broad-billed Sandpiper

    Recently I was privileged to be invited to spend a couple of hours studying returned wading-birds at the Manly Marina Roost-site. The Broad-billed Sandpiper (Calidris falcinellus) is an uncommon summer-migrant to our area and I’ve struggled to get any imagery in the past. The pics and clips were recorded with a Swarovski STS85 scope and Sony A6400 camera.

    Broad-billed Sandpiper
  • Chestnut-breasted Quailthrush Kilcowera June 2020

    Video-clips of the male filmed on a stony-ridge at Kilcowera Station SW Qld in June 2020.

    Chestnut-breasted Quail-thrush
    Chestnut-breasted Quail-thrush
    Chestnut-breasted Quail-thrush
  • How many species?

    Recorded some ‘bird-audio’ today and captured a 30-second clip of a Leaden Flycatcher, however I can also hear at least 9 other species….can you name them all (…or hear any more?)

    How many bird-species can you hear?
    How many bird-species can you hear?
    Spectrogram with boxes
  • Happy Babblers!

    Grey-crowned Babbler

    This grey-crowned babbler was ‘foraging’ with 5 friends, within a metre of the front door this morning, why do they always seem to be ‘enjoying’ life so much?