Video-clips of the male filmed on a stony-ridge at Kilcowera Station SW Qld in June 2020.
Author: aviceda
Chestnut-breasted Quailthrush Kilcowera June 2020
Chestnut-breasted Quail-thrush Chestnut-breasted Quail-thrush Chestnut-breasted Quail-thrush -
The ‘beauty’ of birdsound
Can’t believe how simple but how ‘melodic’ this bird-call is (..minutes after a ‘brat’ on a ‘trail-bike’ spoilt it all), Little Shrike-thrushes near Dayboro SE Qld
Have been ‘self-isolation birding’ early-mornings (…and very-locally) but am ‘surprised‘ at the quality of the media that I’ve been able to capture before the ‘sound of civilisation‘ begins every week-day recently.
Shining Bronze-cuckoo Tawny Grassbird -
How many species?
Recorded some ‘bird-audio’ today and captured a 30-second clip of a Leaden Flycatcher, however I can also hear at least 9 other species….can you name them all (…or hear any more?)
How many bird-species can you hear? Spectrogram with boxes -
Happy Babblers!
Grey-crowned Babbler This grey-crowned babbler was ‘foraging’ with 5 friends, within a metre of the front door this morning, why do they always seem to be ‘enjoying’ life so much?
Check before mowing
Saved a Tawny Grassbird family from ‘disaster’ today, the paddock was going to be ‘slashed’ to remove the rampant ‘cobblers-pegs’ weed (Bidens pilosa) ….that which he is ‘perched’ on!
Tawny Grassbird (Cincloramphus timoriensis) -
Soon to be heading ‘north-bound’ waders
In early-March I received the opportunity to assist in a count of wading-birds at high-tide at Manly Marina in South-east Queensland. The birds will soon be heading northwards to their ‘breeding-grounds’ in Siberia and north-east Asia and many are starting to moult into their ‘breeding-plumage’. I was asked to help find and photograph ‘flagged’ birds to assist the ongoing-migration analysis with Arthur and Sheryl Keates of the Queensland Wader Study Group (QWSG) (…please note that Manly Marina roost is a ‘restricted area’ and is only accessible by ‘invite’)
View of roost-site facing east Grey-tailed Tattler, Red-necked Stint and Curlew Sandpiper, note the blue flag on the leg of one of the tattler, originally ‘banded’ in Hokkaido, Japan. Little Tern, Bar-tailed Godwit, Terek Sandpiper, Great Knot, Grey-tailed Tattler, Red-necked Stint and Curlew Sandpiper, all present in this clip. Little Tern and Red-necked Stint Little Tern, Terek Sandpiper, Grey-tailed Tattler, Great Knot and Curlew Sandpiper. Bar-tailed Godwit, Grey-tailed Tattler, Terek Sandpiper Great Knot and Pied Stilt One bird that had only just arrived moulting out of it’s ‘breeding-plumage’, a Double-banded Plover from New Zealand. Outside Manly Marina I filmed these Bar-tailed Godwits, Great Knot and Silver Gulls on nearby Wynnum Esplanade, the bird call is a Pied Oystercatcher, there were 77 just off camera! Pied Oystercatchers with Bar-tailed Godwits in background. Bar-tailed Godwits, Great Knots and a single Red Knot (centre) This Grey-tailed Tattler was photographed at Scarborough further north on Moreton Bay. Hope this post has given you ‘inspiration’ to assist further with the conservation of the many ‘globally-threatened’ wader-species, they face many issues and need our help………..please investigate Birdlife Australia (Wader Study Group) , Birds Queensland or Wader Quest amongst others.
Finches at Draper (SE Qld) January 2020
Chestnut-breasted Mannikin Had a great day with friends at “The Crossing”, a property near Draper last Sunday , of the 60+ species seen these two finches allowed the best-footage.
Double-barred Finch -
Albert’s Lyrebird at Lamington Jan 2020
Ran into a couple of Albert’s Lyrebird near the O’Reilly’s Guest-house last week , filmed this one at the start of the Border Track, unfortunately the cicadas were also ‘singing’…..
Albert’s Lyrebird There were plenty of bowerbirds, this one had a bath near the main-reception.
Male Regent Bowerbird Also close to the reception a ‘tuckeroo’ tree provided fruits for the Paradise Riflebirds, sadly the male wasn’t as ‘extrovert’.
Female Paradise Riflebird